Chad’s Week: One

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This week has been rather interesting in some senses.
It’s been both stressful and sad, yet happy and relaxed at the same time. I had a book return day at school, which is the last time I’ll ever go to school as, usually I would go in for results day, but this year the results are being emailed to us.

Annoyingly, it was not the nicest weather. Raining most of the day. However, after we had our last assembly ever and said our final goodbyes, a few friends and I decided it would be a good idea to play a last game of football on the field even though it was pouring down with rain. That was an interesting experience to say the least.


We ended the match soaked through to the skin but with big smiles on our faces. I would say it was a nice end to my school experience, and the perfect day to bring this chapter of my life to a close.

Later on this past week was much more stressful. I was handing in my notice at one of my part time jobs; my second one was going full time. I was understandably nervous as this was the first time I’d ever left a job. I was unsure what to expect. However, after going to my mum for some advice and her telling me just to be honest with my reasons, I was prepared as I ever could be. That drive into work, even with music on to distract me, was the most nervous I’d been for quite some time.

Luckily however, the unnecessary little fears I had on my mind earlier about my managers being angry had little to rest on. When I explained my reasons, they were understanding and wished me the best on all my future endeavours.

Even after I got home though, the stress of the morning still hung over me. I decided to go take a walk to a little pond just round the corner from me. This is a spot that I usually go just to get away from everything.

It’s my peaceful place.

There’s a bench hidden away from roads and paths looking over a small section of the pond, surrounded by trees and flowers. All you can hear is the birdsong and the wind rustling away at the leaves. I find that sometimes to get away from the stress of daily life you just need to go and appreciate nature, just to give yourself a sense of perspective.



First Soccer Match in more than Forty Years: Out and About with PTSD