Freo is a holistic, Health and Wellbeing platform, composed of experienced, and fully trained, specialists from all areas of the Mental Health field. These include: Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Counsellors, Mental Health Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Family Therapists, Social Workers, Speech and Language Therapists, Arts / Play/ Drama/Music Therapists, Support workers, Naturopaths and more.
A number of people can benefit with Freo’s services. Examples include:
Clients who struggle with Mental Health issues that may not be acute. (i.e. not requiring hospital admission)
Business executives undergoing stress
Working parents
Individuals suffering a form of abuse
Domestic violence and abuse victims
Veterans: soldiers at war, war veterans trying to integrate into society, families of soldiers and war veterans, war widows and war widowers
Couples with relationship difficulties
Families with difficult dynamics
People in the general population who feel they need to improve an aspect of their Mental Heath, e.g. low self esteem or difficulties with anger management.
Clients who want to have regular brain-gym exercises to prevent or delay dementia.
You will need to register your details as required on the registration form. This will include a brief overview of your symptoms or distressing feelings. We will then be able to screen your enquiry and see if we can be of assistance to you. The process, from receipt of application to contract from a member of staff will take 24-48 hours. If we are able to help, you will be asked to create a secure user name and password. Once accepted, you will be assigned to an appropriate specialist, who will contact you with an agreed and appropriate time and date for your first consultation.
Currently, you can see our specialists on the Team page, while most of them have certain aspects that they focus on, it is possible that another specialist of your preferred gender can help. When you sign up for an initial consultation, this is where you will select the specialist you want. If it is not possible to have a session with the Professional you have requested, you will be advised.
Telephone chat
Online video call (via Zoom)
Online email correspondance
In person sessions
This will vary from person to person, depending on the condition itself. On average, between 6 and 20 hours of input is required. You can however end your consulting sessions yourself if you feel that you are coping better with your issues, have managed to get face-to-face psychological assistance in your area, or feel that the therapy is not for you.
This service is completely confidential on all levels. Our communications are secure, safe, encrypted and backed up. We will however share information with your GP or family doctor after getting your permission. Should your mental condition deteriorate to the point where you need hospitalisation or more specialised care, we will advise you and possibly inform the necessary provided body. In some cases, it may be the emergency services.
To keep your appointments regularly and work with your specialists to develop a therapeutic relationship.
To give us feedback (positive or negative), as we are eager to learn and use any comments to improve our ability to provide excellent client care.
As this is an internet-based service, you will most likely require the following:
A computer
Internet access (broadband preferable)
An email account
Webcam and microphone
Access to Zoom (used through our platform, Healthie)
Don’t worry. We are only interested in your feelings!
If your problems are manifesting as suicidal or homicidal tendencies, we will advise you on who to contact and how to proceed, and may be duty bound to contact a suitable service. This may include; your doctor, local health authority, army chaplain, or ambulance services, and will only be done when we deem it absolutely necessary.
Find a list of crisis helplines here: www.freowellbeing.com/crisis-helplines
In instances where you need assistance more quickly, or where your waiting time to see your own counsellor or psyhologist is too long, our services can act as a useful or essential bridge.