Mind, Body, Soul
Articles on, and tips for managing mental, physical and emotional health.
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Fighting Repetitive Negative Thinking (RNT) with Words of Affirmation in Four Easy Steps
A lot of people, regardless of whether you have a recognised mental health difficulty, can suffer from Repetitive Negative Thoughts (RNT). The question is, how do we stop it? How do we break the habit?
RNT can look like a lot of things. Most of us would call it ruminating or worrying. It is often related to the past or the future, an event or issue that is creating stress, and you begin to think about ways to fix the problem. So far so good, except these thoughts begin to pile up in a way that is not helpful or constructive. You become trapped in a paralyzing cycle that damages your self-esteem, and mental health.
Negativity literally damages the body and the brain. RNT creates an environment of constant stress, and when stress is prolonged, it is known to exhaust the immune system, cause problems like IBS, heart problems, digestive problems, and can even put cells under duress…
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