Filtering by: “Calendar Days”

World Photo Day / Humanitarian Day

World Photo Day / Humanitarian Day

Photo Day

World Photo Day is on August 19 and it celebrates the day when the French government purchased a patent for a photographic process that creates highly detailed images on a sheet of copper plate. Time to snap! And send some to Freo :D

Humanitarian Day

A global challenge for climate action in solidarity with the people who need it most.

The climate emergency is wreaking havoc across the world at a scale that people on the front lines and in the humanitarian community cannot manage.

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Never Give Up Day!

Never Give Up Day!

“Today we remind ourselves how important it is to never give up”

Never Give Up Day is about a mindset of determination to help us get through even the hardest of challenges. It’s about motivating others, inspiring ourselves and remembering that even in hard times, the hardest, we can keep going.

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