
“When people are no longer able to objectively communicate with one another, a skilled mediator could be vital in getting the communication channels open again.”

There is so much anger in the world. This is evident in the number of road rages, riots, wars, fights, divorces and more. Even children throw their tantrums— most parents will remember the terrible two’s. However, anger as an emotion is not inherently bad.

When used positively, anger can drive and deliver innovative and dynamic change. Anger only becomes a negative emotion when it is destructive and damaging, whether that is to ourselves, our relationships, or the environments around us.

Anger always worsens situations when there is little or no good communication. Like this, it becomes stressful and harmful to the mind, body and soul. It affects the harbour of the anger as well as the person/s they are angry with.

Mediation provides the space for effective, healing communication. It is possible to agree to disagree, and focus on getting positive outcomes from negative situations. When people are no longer able to objectively communicate with one another, a skilled mediator could be vital in getting the communication channels open again. It’s not all about winning; it might be about the bigger picture and the future. We all need a little Mediation sometimes.

Freo has skilled experienced Mediators who can help smooth out your situation and achieve successful outcomes, whether this is at work, with family, or elsewhere.

“Do not let the sun go down on your anger.”

-Ephesians 4:26


Couples Therapy