PEERS® Dorset
An Evidenced-Based
Social Skills Program for Teens and Young Adults, based on Science
Now enrolling for Teen and Young Adult groups in Autumn 2023!
PEERS is a weekly course, following school Term Times, with a break for half term. The course will run between 12 - 14 weeks.
Our PEERS Team
Dr. Isioma Nwokolo
Dr. Isi is a qualified Consultant
Psychiatrist, with interest in Autism,
ADHD and Neurodiversity.
She has received her ADOS-2
Certification, ADHD training,
British School of Etiquette Train-
the-Trainer certificate and has a
UCLA Certification as a PEERS Social
Skills for Adolescents trainer.
Jo Ungi
Jo is an experienced Speech and Language Therapist with a special interest in Autism. Jo is ADOS-2 certified and has a UCLA Certification as a PEERS Social
Skills trainer for Young Adults.